What are the Signs that Indicate I May Need a Larger or Smaller HVAC System During Replacement in Miami Beach, FL?

What size air conditioning system do you need? Use a Florida air conditioning unit size calculator to make sure you don't have a system that's too big or too small for what you need. At Sansone, we understand the importance of finding the right air conditioning or plumbing contractor for you. If you find yourself dealing with serious toilet jams, a broken water heater, or even a broken pipe, our highly trained and licensed plumbers can provide you with a quick and effective plumbing service. Take control of indoor air quality in West Palm Beach by calling us at Sansone.

There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting an air conditioning system, and unfortunately, homeowners don't always make the best decision, especially when it comes to size. One of the most common misconceptions about air conditioners is that the larger the system, the faster it will cool down a space. Although this seems logical, air conditioners just don't work that way. Ultimately, different spaces have different cooling needs.

A 500-square-foot studio, for example, won't need as much cooling power as a 4,000-square-foot multi-level home. However, every year, homeowners invest in new air conditioning systems that are too big for their space. Do you need to schedule an appointment? Program now with our EZ Book Online button below. From feelings of exasperation to rising energy costs, an oversized air conditioner can cause discord in your home.

But not all hope is lost, owner. Read on to learn the signs of an oversized air conditioner and what you can do if your air conditioner is too big for your space. If you're not sure if your air conditioning system is too big for your home, the system's cycle length has a lot of clues. If your air conditioning system is turned on and off frequently using short cycles, your energy budget will be affected.

If you've noticed that your energy costs are higher than you think they should be, your air conditioning system may be too large. Air conditioners are a big investment, so no one wants to hear that their air conditioning system is too big for their home. Fortunately, there are several ways to approach the problem. If your air conditioning system is too big for your home, but you can't afford to invest in a new one, a standalone dehumidifier may be a good choice for you.

When used in conjunction with an air conditioning system, a standalone dehumidifier will remove excess moisture from the air, helping if the air in your home is too humid. In some cases, installing additional air ducts in a part of the house that doesn't have air conditioning (such as the garage, for example) can disperse excess air from an oversized system. You'll want to get the opinion of your trusted air conditioning technician for this case. This may not be what you want to hear, but sometimes the best option is to replace the system.

While it's an expensive option, if your home is comfortable and your energy costs are reasonable, you'll be glad you made this decision. Before investing in any air conditioning system, it's important to determine the calculation of the load for the size and layout of your home. While a local HVAC professional can help you with this, the general rule is that a ton of air conditioning capacity will cool approximately 500 square feet. So if your house is 1,500 square feet, a two- to three-ton unit would be best.

Keep in mind that there are other factors to consider, such as the design of your home, so always check with your local HVAC professionals. Living in Florida, your air conditioning system is your home's MVP. But with all the different makes and models to choose from, how do you know which system is best for your space? If you want to upgrade your home's air conditioning system or if your current system shows signs that it's too big for your space, we want to help. From repairs to air conditioner replacement, contact Sansone today for all your air conditioning needs in South Florida.

For every ton of heat that must be removed from a home, an air conditioning unit must have 12,000 BTUs (British thermal units). The bigger your house, the hotter it will be. The hotter it is, the higher the BTUs required by the air conditioning unit. This could also be a sign that the air filters are dirty.

However, if you've cleaned or changed your air filters and you still don't notice a difference in the amount of air coming out through the vents, you may have an air conditioner that's too small for your home. However, pay attention to the other signs on this list, as low airflow alone is not a sure sign of an undersized air conditioner. A mechanical clue to the state of a system is the efficiency with which the evaporator coil operates. One function of the evaporator coil is to extract moisture, and as the unit ages beyond its normal lifespan, the system will not operate to its usual operating standards.

These efficiency breakdowns leave the air more humid and can make your space feel damp instead of cold. If an evaporator is prone to freezing or has mold... Another thing that indicates that your air conditioner unit is running low is that it breaks frequently. You notice that you call an air conditioning repair service more often than usual.

Just when you think it's fixed, it somehow gets messed up again soon after. It can be the same problem or different problems.

Royce Hibbert
Royce Hibbert

Subtly charming food specialist. Subtly charming zombie lover. Unapologetic zombie buff. Coffeeaholic. Passionate travel enthusiast.

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